DUI Defense Attorney for Oakland and the Bay Area
A conviction for drunk driving or other driving under the influence charge has many very serious consequences. Even a first offense for DUI can result in hundreds of dollars in fines and fees, jail time, driver's license suspension, mandatory substance abuse counseling and lengthy probation periods. You may also be required to install an ignition interlock device in your car which requires you to basically do a breath test every time you want to start your car. All of these DUI penalties can greatly impact your personal, social and professional life. An Oakland DUI defense attorney at the Gorelick Law Offices does everything possible to get the DUI charges against the client dismissed or reduced. Attorney Lynn Gorelick is dedicated to helping people facing a variety of DUI charges in Oakland and the Bay Area. She understands what the client is going through and uses her experience and knowledge of DUI law to aggressively defend the client's rights and get the best results possible. She may be able to help you or someone you know.
An Oakland DUI defense lawyer at our firm can take the client through the DUI process from start to finish. If you were told that you failed a field sobriety test such as the walk and turn, one leg stand, horizontal gaze nystagmus test or breathalyzer test, an attorney will carefully analyze all the reports to find deviations from standard procedure, equipment malfunctions, etc. A DUI attorney at our firm uses her over 30 years experience to go over every aspect of the case with the client and really put him or her at ease. From breath or blood tests to theDMV hearing to court if needed, we stick by our clients through the entire process.